Sid's Fishbowl |
A proud member of the reality-based community (aquatic division) |
Friday, February 27, 2009
The Poor Man quotes Mitch McConnell, speaking at CPAC, the right-wing drooling loon-fest:
Wait, wait, that’s not the funny part (although it is pretty hilarious). The funny part is TPM’s response:
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
These people are just fucking insane. They don’t seem to understand that no sane person would worship a God who wants little babies to get AIDS so mothers can “feel guilt” and “see the negative consequences of that promiscuity.” It almost makes me wish I believed in any sort of god, so I could take some comfort in the knowledge that He or She or It would smack these fools upside the head when they reached the Pearly Gates. “No, you idiot! You got it completely backwards!”
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
At first I thought this was a joke: The ubiquitous Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, aka “Joe the Plumber” and “Joe the War Correspondent,” will soon add a new moniker to his profile — “Joe the Economist.” Politico reports that House GOP congressional aides decided to invite Wurzelbacher to a meeting on the stimulus in hopes that it will attract some media attention But no. It’s apparently for real. I certainly hope that at least some Republicans are profoundly embarrassed by this. But I’m not holding my breath.
![]() "When you live in a fishbowl, everything seems a little distorted... I keep thinking it's Tuesday." ![]()
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